Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Hashimoto Industry Group

In view of our vision of a sustainable society, all of us will uphold our CSR through our business
activities while working closely with society and our stakeholders.

CSR Policy guidelines

01Respecting our
ties with others
We will engage in dialogue with important stakeholders including employees, customers, business partners, and group companies in order to deepen our mutual understanding and enhance the level of satisfaction of every stakeholder in our company.
02Respecting our
promise to society
We are committed to further strengthening our risk management and compliance systems in order to preserve the conditions essential for the conduct of our corporate activities such as compliance with the law and the prevention of corporate scandals.
03Respecting the earth
(Reduction of our impact on the environment)
We will adopt initiatives that aim to save energy, conserve resources, reduce waste, and reduce harmful substances, as part of our goal to reduce our impact on the environment.

For Product quality

Product quality policy guidelines
We aim to be a reliable company by placing emphasis on product quality at every step of the manufacturing process, and offering products that meet the quality requirements of our customers on schedule and at appropriate prices.
Product quality initiatives
We are always committed to maintaining and improving our product quality across the entire Group in order to offer products and services that satisfy our customers.

For the environment

Environmental policy guidelines
In recognition of the consumption of natural resources, air pollution, generation of waste, as well as other indirect environmental impacts caused by the development and usage of our products in the course of our company’s development, manufacturing, and sales activities, we will always play our part in environmental conservation and biodiversity conservation efforts across all areas of our business activities.
Reducing our impact on the environment through our products
We are committed to the introduction of environmentally-friendly technologies and production methods across the entire Group in order to achieve our vision of a “sustainable society.”
Reducing our impact on the environment through our business activities
Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve energy.
We are always committed to the reduction of waste, promotion of the recycling of resources, as well as the prevention of environmental pollution.
For the society
Along with placing particular emphasis on establishing a symbiotic relationship with local communities, we will actively promote efforts that contribute to the society in order to create a better society for all.
For our customers
With our business activities founded on superior product development and technologies, we will offer safe and quality products and services to our customers and contribute to the creation of a rich and vibrant society.
For our business partners
We work closely with all our business partners to share our awareness of social responsibility and are committed to the promotion of fair and healthy business practices.
For our employees
We are committed to creating a workplace where our employees would like to continue working in by giving due consideration to nurturing their talents, creating a positive working environment, and prioritizing employee health and safety, so that our employees and their families can continue to lead happy and fulfilling lives.